Deep Dive Series: The Power of No Using Laughter
By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer
Saying no seems like such a serious action in most of our minds. But sometimes a more lighthearted approach is all we need.
Let’s say someone invites me to an event that I have absolutely no interest in. A humorous response could be [in a comic, strangled yet singsong voice with a big obviously fake smile], “Thank you for the invitation and nope!” Or pretend someone asks you to join them in their 5-mile run tomorrow morning. If you’re not a runner, simply responding with bug eyes, a slack jaw, and wildly shaking your head no will probably suffice as an answer.
I usually only say no using humor if I have a relatively close relationship with someone. I wouldn’t say no to an invitation from someone in a funny way if it could be misconstrued as impolite or mocking. But for those who know me better, a funny response may be the perfect way to lightheartedly decline requests.
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