This Is Happening For Me, Not To Me

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

The last few months I’ve been sharing sentences that are effective in my life to shut down unconscious, unhelpful, negative thought loops in my brain.  Another one of those sentences is, “This is happening for me, not to me.” 

Every life is full of peaks and valleys.  And when I feel like I am in the middle of a valley, repeating, “This is happening for me, not to me,” often takes me out of feeling like I am a passive victim to my circumstances and into remembering that I still have choices I can make and calmly thinking through those.  It takes me from feeling like I’m fearfully on my heels and shifting my balance to determined on my toes.   

Also, I can’t think of a single low point in my life in the past that hasn’t taught me a valuable lesson.  So not only does the sentence help me while I’m in the middle of the struggle in the present but it also reminds me that this trouble will probably help me in some way in the future.  And all of this thought work helps to calm the terrified voices that sometimes scream so loudly for my attention. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team