How to Change Email from Plain Text to HTML in Outlook

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

On occasion I receive a Plain Text email.  A Plain Text email is an email that contains no formatting.  It’s text only with no fancy fonts, pictures, colors, etc.  When you reply to a Plain Text email, your reply will also be in Plain Text.  So if you add your signature line and you have fonts or pictures in your signature line, all of that formatting won’t show up.  But you can kick your reply email back into HTML (with formatting) in just a few clicks. 

Hit reply to the Plain Text email.  In that reply email, go to the Format Text tab at the top of the email window.  Hit the HTML button in the Format group.  This will allow formatting in your reply message and let your spiffy signature line show up as normal with all its bells and whistles. 

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