How to Disable or Enable the Outlook Focused Inbox

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

Outlook has a feature called the “Focused Inbox.”  If this feature is enabled, Outlook separates your inbox into two tabs, Focused and Other.  Outlook then determines which email messages are most important and puts them in the Focused tab, while less important messages go into the Other tab.  Some people really like this feature, but I personally don’t use it.  I don’t trust that Outlook will intuitively get it right every time in determining what is and is not important to me, so I end up having to check both tabs, which means I then have two inboxes instead of one to manage. 

I prefer having all of my emails in one inbox, so I turn off the “Focused Inbox” feature.  The way to disable the Focused Inbox in Outlook is to:

Click on your inbox

Click on the View tab

Click the “Show Focused Inbox” button

You can turn the Focused Inbox feature on and off by clicking that same button.  Whether you prefer the Focused Inbox or not, making the change is only a button away.  Experiment with both to see which you prefer.

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Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team