Overlay Multiple Calendars in Outlook

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

In a recent blog post, I talked about my previous job when I had to coordinate multiple calendars in order to schedule meetings and events.  Another function in Outlook that made my job easier when comparing multiple calendars was the Overlay feature.   

Let’s say I have permission to three different calendars in Outlook.  I select/open all three of those calendars.  Outlook normally shows those calendars side by side.  But if you open the View tab at the top of the Calendar page and click Overlay in the Arrangement group, then Outlook will merge all three of those calendars together so you can view them on top of each other instead of side by side.  I find the Overlay view much easier and faster to use when trying to find times that are open for multiple people.   

I have a personal and professional calendar in my Outlook environment, and I always have those two calendars merged together so I make sure I’m never double booked.  Give it a try next time you need to coordinate times for many people. 

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