The Time You Plan to Waste Is Not Wasted Time
By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer
I write frequently on this blog about how to be efficient and productive to not waste time. One might deduce that every minute of every day I’m running around being a little robot getting as much done as possible. But this is not the case. I do pretty much always have a list of tasks that I want to accomplish each day, and I figure out when I will complete those tasks during the day. But I also figure out when I’m going to stop all my tasks and just relax.
I get quite a bit accomplished each day, but I also relax quite a bit. And I don’t see those relaxation periods as a waste of time. I do plenty of the activities during my down time that productivity books warn us to cut out – scrolling social media, Netflix marathons, all of it. But it’s time that I plan to “waste.” I plan my productive time, I accomplish what I want to accomplish for the day, and I plan my unproductive time without regret. I’m not a robot, and I don’t want my life to be one never ending to do list. I want and biologically need time to be completely frivolous. The time I plan to waste is not wasted time, and it’s not wasted for you either.
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