Posts in Efficiency
Welcome the Well-worn Ways

Have you ever walked through a park or college campus and noticed the paths of dirt through the grass that aren’t paved? These unpaved paths are sometimes called desire paths. They’re the worn spots that people regularly take because they’re the easiest way for them to travel. Landscapers sometimes wait for these paths to be formed organically by people’s movements before placing pavement since it represents how people actually want to move around the space. I leverage this concept of the well-worn, easiest paths in my life and time management techniques as well.

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Patience at the Waking Hour

This morning, I journaled about how at the exact time of waking, I've been feeling a kind of anxiety. This feeling has been lightly creeping up more and more as I age. After a deep dive into a silent self-inquiry as to why this may be happening, something that felt quite true revealed itself.

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Budgeting Time and Energy from the Inside > Out

One of my favorite authors and podcasters, Greg McKeown, talks about how he visualizes the way people budget their time and energy. He sees the areas that we budget time and energy to as concentric circles. In the middle, the bullseye circle is self. The next ring around the bullseye is important relationships: family and close friends. The outermost ring is other. Greg observes that many people, when budgeting their time and energy, start from the outside of the concentric circles and move in. But what if we reverse the direction and start at the inside and move our way out?

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Why is saying no so hard? Try this.

Here at Focus to Evolve, we consider the act of saying no as one of the four primary meta-skills that are required for that doubling-of-meaningful-output-in-the-same-number-of-hours-worked benefit. We call it a meta-skill, because there is no area of your life that won't improve (dramatically) when you begin to get good at saying no to the things that simply should not be on your plate.

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Do the Work First and Schedule Your Rest

When I was in my early years of high school, I was still figuring out my time management habits. In Mondovi, Wisconsin, where I grew up, there was a TV show called TV-13 Outdoors that came on later in the evening on Sunday nights. And every time I heard that show’s theme song, I knew that my procrastination period for that weekend was over, and I had to do start my homework then or I wouldn’t get it done.

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Lions Wake The Lions

I'm listening to an interview with one of my favorite comedians (JP Sears). For those of you who don't know him, he's got this huge red mane of hair which he often likes to make the subject of his content. In this bit, he was playing the role of the lion (with his hair all up and crazy looking like a lion's mane). With his razor sharp wit, he discussed how lions need to wake up other lions with their influence.

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It’s been over a year since I’ve commuted to work, but one of my best practices when I did have a commute was carschooling. My commute used to be 45 minutes each way every day, which was a substantial chunk of time. Since my commute to work was something I could do without needing to pay attention to directions, I started making that time in the car count.

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