I am so lucky to have a family and the ability to travel to be with them during Christmas. For about a week around that joyous holiday, we all gather in one house to make merry together. People from 3 or more households are living under one roof for an extended period of time, which means quite a few logistical concerns need to be handled.
Read MoreMy heart soars whenever I hear a story about special gestures that people gift to others, and that feeling makes me want to perform gestures for others myself.
Read MoreOne of my favorite bits of wisdom is:
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart.
Read MoreIf you’re reading this post right now, know that I’m thankful for you. Time is our most precious commodity in this life, so thank you for taking time to read my words today and in the past. My hope is that your holiday season is full of love and reminders of all of the things that you can be thankful for as well.
Read MoreThis holiday season, I’m going to challenge myself to make a conscious effort to notice daily when something reminds me of a person and reaching out to them to let them know I’m thinking of them.
Read MoreI love to read books. I read a couple hundred books a year. This week, I read a book called HR Like a Boss: Your Guide to Amazingly Awesome HR by John Bernatovicz. Why does this book stand out among the hundreds this year? Here are some of the reasons.
Read MoreAre you afraid of your email inbox? Do you wake up most mornings with dread of what’s lurking in there? Is it a wasteland of thousands of messages just hiding out, waiting to come back and bite you?
Read MoreMost of us have time-consuming tasks that we need to perform weekly or with some other cadence of regularity. I’ve found that it often helps if I assign each of those tasks a specific day when I usually handle them.
Read MoreAre there processes or activities in your life that you perform repeatedly and have so many steps that you inevitably forget some of them? If so, it might be time to consider creating a checklist.
Read MoreWe Americans are notoriously bad at taking our allotted vacation time at our jobs.
Read MoreOutlook has a feature called the “Focused Inbox.” If this feature is enabled, Outlook separates your inbox into two tabs, Focused and Other.
Read MoreAs regular readers of this blog have probably realized, I love lists and checklists. Another list that I find helpful in my life is my “Today is a great day to” list.
Read MoreMany people wish for more hours in their days but simultaneously have pockets of time each day that they wish away.
Read MoreI write frequently on this blog about how to be efficient and productive to not waste time. One might deduce that every minute of every day I’m running around being a little robot getting as much done as possible. But this is not the case. I do pretty much always have a list of tasks that I want to accomplish each day, and I figure out when I will complete those tasks during the day. But I also figure out when I’m going to stop all my tasks and just relax.
Read MoreI spent about 6 years in my 20’s living in New York City. I didn’t think I would stay there forever, so I promised myself before moving that I would do and see as much as I possibly could while in that big beautiful city. And my goodness, I definitely delivered on that oath.
Read MoreIf you’re anything like me and most humans, your brain is a horrible place to store your tasks.
Read MoreIf you’ve ever been startled awake at 3am drenched in a cold sweat thinking, “I forgot to send that email to my client!”, then you’ve suffered from the Zeigarnik effect.
Read MoreEvery Friday afternoon, I look ahead at my coming week and plan what that week will look like. In those weekly planning sessions, I make sure that there is always at least one activity on my calendar that I genuinely look forward to.
Read MoreThree years ago this week we started posting on the Focus to Evolve blog.
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