Thankful for You!

If you’re reading this post right now, know that I’m thankful for you.  Time is our most precious commodity in this life, so thank you for taking time to read my words today and in the past.  My hope is that your holiday season is full of love and reminders of all of the things that you can be thankful for as well. 

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The Time You Plan to Waste Is Not Wasted Time

I write frequently on this blog about how to be efficient and productive to not waste time.  One might deduce that every minute of every day I’m running around being a little robot getting as much done as possible.  But this is not the case.  I do pretty much always have a list of tasks that I want to accomplish each day, and I figure out when I will complete those tasks during the day.  But I also figure out when I’m going to stop all my tasks and just relax.

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Find Text Keyboard Shortcut

I often need to search for specific words or phrases in text.  For example, I’m looking at a news story online and want to see if a specific name is mentioned.  Or I have a long Word document and want to skip ahead to the part that references a certain topic.  Lucky for me there’s a handy dandy keyboard stroke to help me out.

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