Posts in Efficiency
Recover Deleted Items in Outlook

Last week, my blog post was about using the SHIFT + DELETE keys to permanently delete items in your Microsoft Outlook Inbox. If you start getting really good at this, your fingers will sometimes move faster than your conscious thought. So fast that you might accidentally permanently delete an email that you didn’t want to actually delete. Don’t worry, the email can be recovered.

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Shift + Delete

If you’re using Microsoft Outlook and simply delete an email from your Inbox, you know that the email then moves to your Deleted Items. And if you’re someone like I am who clears out your Deleted Items as well, then you’d have to delete that one email two times to make it disappear. This is inefficient. Until I introduce you to the magic of SHIFT + DELETE.

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Favorite Outlook Email File Folders

Do you use Microsoft Outlook? Do you have a lot of email file folders in Outlook? Do you spend a ton of time scrolling with your mouse to open or drag emails into those file folders? Did you know that you could designate email file folders as favorites and pin them to the top of your inbox screen?

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Thoughts I No Longer Waste Time On: What Will Other People Think?

In last week’s blog post, I wrote about living the sage advice now. When people are toward the end of their lives, they tend to give on-the-money, profound advice. Another piece of wisdom that our elders gift us a lot is, “I wish I had lived a life true to myself and not based on other people’s expectations.”

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Live the Sage Advice Now

The people in our society that live to older ages have so much time and experience in this world that they often have very good advice. And when I was younger and I would hear their words of wisdom and reflect, graciously my brain would think thoughts like, “Well, they’ve been alive a long time, they probably know what they’re talking about from experience, what they’re saying makes sense to me on a deep level, so this is now what I’m going to try to live in my own life starting now.”

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I’m Done Apologizing for Crying

At the start of each new year, I reflect on what I want to do differently than the year before. Sometimes I want to start something new. But other times, I want to stop a habit that doesn’t serve me and only wastes my time and energy. A habit that I see a lot in myself and in our culture in general that I think doesn’t serve us is apologizing when we cry. Please note, crying is not the habit I want to stop. I think crying is vulnerable, cathartic, beautiful, and human. But apologizing for crying…now that is something that I personally want to stop doing and to encourage others to halt as well. And this is why.

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